If you need an easy to use tool for sharing and publishing information to all popular electronic media, you’ve found what you’re searching for.
Click here to try for FREE HyperPublish, a formidable tool for creating hypertext documents of any kind, that’s the best one when dealing with large set of pages both on CDROM and Web sites.
HyperPublish is designed to reduce effort and save time. You work with one document that encapsulates a set of pages and images, instead of working on individual pages. This means that in the editor you can revise, browse, and carry out searches on all of your site. Multiple pages/images are saved as a single document, instead of many scattered files. It's easy to work with a single file, free from the need to continuously save and load the information.
Archiving, sharing, updating and keeping your documents in order has never been so easy. You have to manage and to share a single compact file, that can be used for achieving both Web and CD publishing.
A whole page set can be transferred onto the Internet with a single click, through the internal FTP engine. You can publish the same page set onto a CD, thanks to the internal CD Wizard, visually, without the need of NS or IE, nor any complicated installation procedures. Furthermore, the document can be saved as HtmlHelp or WinHelp. Although you only buy one single application, you get so many tools!
HyperPublish is not only visual, it’s nice! Styles, colored tables, maps, mouse-over changing images, sounds, frame sets, slides, forms, pop-up windows, and literally hundreds of functions are all available without difficulty. The entire user interface is designed to obtain professional results, yet is so simple and quick to use, it's even suitable for "hypertext dummies". It’s not any more complicated than your average word processor.
If you're already convinced you should get it, well, thanks... but what we have seen so far is merely the beginning...! HyperPublish takes full advantage of its hypertext-oriented architecture in many other productive ways. It’s very easy to manage your electronic documents with Hyper Publish.
The aim of HyperPublish is to let you concentrate on the content, while the software takes care of the rest. If you’re not, and don’t want to be, involved with too much technical stuff, HyperPublish is certainly the best all-in-one solution to obtain professional results for organizing your documents in a short time. And so... what are you waiting for? Click here to get it now!
Get the FREE HyperPublish trial or GET IT now, and start to share and publish electronic documentation right now! It is really easy to share and publish documentation with HyperPublish!!
Visual Vision has been selling software online since 1998, and is a proud member of the Association of Shareware Professionals.
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