Errors (bug reports) 
Every day we do our absolute best to improve and simplify our programs. 
However, we can not guarantee that they are error-free, and that they will work perfectly in every single situation. 
Some unpredictable behavior, or unexpected errors may unfortunately happen. 
In this case, be sure to follow these rules: 
- try to change to a different page (you can do this by using buttons on top left, or “hypertext” menu, or the bottom center page number box) 
- try to save your work with “save” or “save as” 
(all software) 
- if the software or the PC appears to have “stalled”, use ctrl + alt + del. The "task manager" window will appear: you have to click on xxx.exe, then on “terminate app” button 
- tell us about the problem, by writing a “bug report” (see how on the right) 
- activate the “remember to save” option in “tool >program options” (in this way you should save most of your work, if the problem persists) 
(all software) 
- shout curses at Visual Vision (not a great solution, but it helps, psychologically...!) 
Want to do a good “bug report”? 
- be exact, precise, clear and concise. For example, there are about 60 Hyper Publish dialogs, and hundreds of functions: be sure to list all steps that you followed before the bug appeared; 
- a screen shot in GIF format may help (please keep the file size to a minimum, and only use it if really needed); 
- try to reproduce the error: get a blank sheet and write down all steps needed for us to reproduce the same bug on our machines; 
- if the error involves files, ask us if you can send these files in ZIP format. 
As we are not Microsoft (may be you have already realized...), we really need your help to improve! 
All bug reports must be directed to bugs@visualvision.it.
Visual Vision has been selling software online since 1998, and is a proud member of the Association of Shareware Professionals 
Visual Vision, professional tools for both on-line (Internet pages, sites, Html) and off-line (manuals, ebooks, hypertext documents, CDs) authoring and publishing. Making Web sites, creating Internet and Intranet pages; building multimedia CD (with automatic install); catalogs; e-books, hypertext; policy and procedure manuals; laws, with cross references; health and safety manuals; training manuals, technical manuals; software user guides, on-line help systems; specifications, minutes. We have the best ebook creator (or compiler) on the market, the best Web site builder, the best catalog software tool out there. 

Visual Vision sells professional tools for creating high quality hypertext documents: create catalogs; create Web sites, Internet and Intranet pages; multimedia CD (with automatic install / autoinstall); make policy and procedure manuals; ebooks; rule-books; laws, with cross references; health and safety manuals; training manuals, technical manuals; software user guides, online help systems; build catalogues; specifications, minutes; multimedia electronic books; Html documents; schools-related hypertext. Ebooks, Web and CDROM publishing and authoring. Making hypermedia has never been so easy! 
[Click here for the VisualVision home page] 
Make a Web site Creating a Web site quickly Making a Web page Create a Web site quickly Software per creare cataloghi, manuali, siti Web, ipertesti, ebook Software per creare un catalogo, un manuale, un sito Web, un ipertesto, un ebook Programma per creare un catalogo, un CD, un sito Web, un manuale Come creare un sito Web Come creare un manuale, WinHelp, Html Help Come creare un ebook, libro elettronico creare un sito web creare un catalogo creare un manuale creare cataloghi su cdrom e siti creare pagine web creare manuali o ipertesti creare ebooks libri elettronici Shareware resources,shareware sites,upload sites,shareware distributors Risorse shareware,siti shareware,distributori shareware How to create a catalog, a web site, a manual, a CDROM, an ebook How to create a catalog How to create a Web site How to create a manual How to create a CDROM How to create an ebook How to create an autorun cd create cdrom cd front end Create autostart CD Create autorun CD Making autoplay CD Create a catalog making catalog Making a manual HTML Help software manual software Create a CDROM, a Web site, a catalog Create a catalog create a catalog on cdrom making catalog make a cd rom catalog creator catalog software multimedia software make a cd rom web site catalog Create a manual,a WinHelp,a Html Help, hypertext manual creator create htmlhelp create a manual creating manual manual software create html help html help compiler making manual Create a Web Site,Create a Web page,Software for Web publishing, Internet sites creation, Html editor WYSIWYG, WYSIWYL web creator web site builder web site software create a web site web site editor making web site how to create a web site web publishing software making Ebook make ebook ebook builder ebook compiler Create Ebooks E-book compiler software making ebook autorun cd software create autorun cd autoplay software  
Web publishing - Web and CDROM builder - Catalog creator software - Manual builder software - making Html Help software - creating ebook software - Hypermedia publishing - Html editor - How to create a web site - Creating web pages - How to create a web page - Create a manual - Making multimedia CDROM software - Create a web page - CD Front End - Web builder - Creating catalog - Make manual - Making Autostart CD - CD catalog creator - Create ebooks 
Perogatt’s Special Edition? Click on the image below: 
Special Perogatt Editions: a lot of templates, images, clip art, themes, also for Christmas Xmas. Make a nice Web site or CD! 
Frequent questions - More: info@visualvision.com - Contacts and policies - Site map - User's Web forum 
CD Front End - HyperPublish - EasyWebEditor - 1site - PaperKiller - EbooksWriter 
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(C) 2003 Visual Vision - Leader in hypertext software, Web publishing and hypermedia CDROM authoring 
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